Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Chapter 5

One subject we study in psychology is mental disorders.  The concept of mental disorders is very complex.  What is a disorder?  What does it meant to be in sane?  What types of disorders exist?  What is the difference between schizophrenia and personality disorders?  List goes on and on... We will be going into depth later...  However, reading Chapter 5: Coldest Heart is going to make you question the concept of nature and nurture and the role is has on what we call anti-social personality disorder.  What causes someone to become a cold heart?  Are we born that way?  In this chapter, think about all kinds of issues to talk about... Are some people born to kill?  Was the fact that Leon was a fussy and difficult baby for mom, make it sound like he would turn out the way he did?   Is it our environment and experiences that will determine our likely hood to kill or not kill?  Should a 16 year old be up for death penalty?  Is Leon a victim in any way?  Who makes you more angry?  Leon?  Mom?  Dad?  Is there any hope?   I am going to attach an article for you to read after this chapter... It serves the purpose for you to understand that not all anti- socials will kill, but to understand that many live among us and characteristics of an anti- social.

I would like you to respond about what you find most interesting about both the chapter and the article.  I would like you to ask questions that your classmates may answer about your posts.  You do NOT have to do a detail summary about the chapter.  Do a summary about what you learned and what you found most interesting.  Then ask a few questions that  come to your mind about the chapter and article. 

Chapter 4 skin hunger

Many people believe women have an instinct in knowing how to care for and raise children.  Read Chapter 4 and share what you learned most about the brain and the body in this story.  Feel free to ask questions and voice ideas that should be considered in this story.  You may also link stories you find in the paper that relate to any part of what you are reading at any time.  The idea to ask yourself before reading is what makes us grow and be healthy human beings.  Is a mother's nurturing an instinct or something that needs to be taught?

Remember at least 1 paragraph post from you and respond to 2 others.